Sunday, March 29, 2009

Phenolic Resin Panels oh my

Phenolic Resin Panels, occasionally thought of as "Toilet partitions" by the misguided are a favorite cladding material of mine. The panels, in crude terms, are thick plastic laminate attached to the exterior of the building as a rainscreen. 70% wood/30% eco-resin, they are a green product as well.

They are available in many colors but some of the more interesting are patterns or wood grain. The photo at left is "Italian Walnut" run in a horizontal pattern. The result is soft in appearance but in reality it is a durable, easily maintained product.

Panels are generally 4' x 10' but can be as large as 5' x 12'. They can be used in interior applications as well as in ceiling/soffit conditions.

Some manufacturers...Trespa - Arpa and Abet Laminati. The panels can be attached with exposed fasteners (the most econimical method)

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